190805 有吉ゼミ190805 NTV Ariyoshi Seminar (Nishino Nanase).mp4Size: 1.11 GB | Duration: 00:50:39 | Video: 1280×720, Bit rate: 3000 Kbps, 29.970 fps | Audio: 127 Kbps, 44 Khz
190804 あなたの番ですep15190804 Anata no Ban Desu ep15 (Nishino Nanase).mp4Size: 1.02 GB | Duration: 00:46:24 | Video: 1280×720, Bit rate: 3000 Kbps, 29.970 fps | Audio: 127 Kbps, 44 Khz
190805 しくじり先生 俺みたいになるな!!190805 Shikujiri Sensei Ore Mitai ni Naruna!! (Takino Yumiko).mp4Size: 327.61 MB | Duration: 00:22:54 | Video: 1280×720, Bit rate: 1741 Kbps, 29.970 fps | Audio: 253 Kbps, 48 Khz
190805 HINABINGO!2 ep04.mp4Size: 343.93 MB | Duration: 00:22:29 | Video: 1280×720, Bit rate: 2007 Kbps, 29.970 fps | Audio: 128 Kbps, 48 Khz
190804 SKE48 ゼロポジ公演 2019 完全版190804 SKE48 ZERO POSITION Kouen 2019 (Complete Edition).mp4Size: 3.5 GB | Duration: 02:57:00 | Video: 1280×720, Bit rate: 2679 Kbps, 29.970 fps | Audio: 140 Kbps, 48 Khz
190804 AKB48 Part – TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL 2019 グランドフィナーレ.mp4Size: 1.04 GB | Duration: 00:34:47 | Video: 1280×720, Bit rate: 4132 Kbps, 29.970 fps | Audio: 140 Kbps, 48 Khz
190804 TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL – Hot Stage Day 3 (FOD) SKE48.tsSize: 466.23 MB | Duration: 00:27:56 | Video: 1280×720, Bit rate: 2332 Kbps, 29.970 fps | Audio: N/A, 44 Khz
190804 AKB48 研究生「パジャマドライブ」公演 岡田梨奈 生誕祭AKB48 190804 KKS10 LIVE 1300 720p HQ (Okada Rina Birthday).mp4Size: 5.58 GB | Duration: 02:08:09 | Video: 1280×720, Bit rate: 6100 Kbps, 29.970 fps | Audio: 125 Kbps, 48 Khz
190804 AKB48チーム8のKANTO白書 バッチこーい! ep45 (AKB48 Team8 no KANTO Hakusho batchikoi!)190804 AKB48 Team 8 no Kanto Hakusho ep45.mp4Size: 536.69 MB | Duration: 00:24:59 | Video: 1280×720, Bit rate: 2872 Kbps, 29.970 fps | Audio: 128 Kbps, 48 Khz
190804 欅坂46 – 欅って、書けない? ep192 (Keyakizaka46 – Keyakitte, kakenai?)190804 Keyakitte, Kakenai ep192.mp4Size: 588.57 MB | Duration: 00:25:14 | Video: 1280×720, Bit rate: 3003 Kbps, 29.970 fps | Audio: 237 Kbps, 48 Khz
190804 乃木坂46 – 乃木坂工事中 ep218 (Nogizaka46 – Nogizaka Under Construction)190804 Nogizaka Under Construction ep218.mp4Size: 583.75 MB | Duration: 00:24:59 | Video: 1280×720, Bit rate: 3008 Kbps, 29.970 fps | Audio: 239 Kbps, 48 Khz
190804 今日から友達になれますか?ep16190804 Kyou kara Tomodachi ni Naremasu ka ep16 (Nakai Rika).mp4Size: 516.93 MB | Duration: 00:22:24 | Video: 1280×720, Bit rate: 3005 Kbps, 30.000 fps | Audio: 200 Kbps, 44 Khz
190804 日向坂で会いましょうep17190804 Hinatazaka de Aimashou ep17.mp4Size: 729.07 MB | Duration: 00:25:14 | Video: 1280×720, Bit rate: 3907 Kbps, 29.970 fps | Audio: 128 Kbps, 48 Khz
190804 ワイドナショー190804 Wide na Show (Sashihara Rino).mp4Size: 1.6 GB | Duration: 01:00:09 | Video: 1440×1080, Bit rate: 3687 Kbps, 29.970 fps | Audio: 125 Kbps, 48 Khz
190803 SKE48 ZERO POSITION ep105.mp4Size: 545.3 MB | Duration: 00:28:00 | Video: 1280×720, Bit rate: 2590 Kbps, 29.970 fps | Audio: 127 Kbps, 48 Khz
190804 YNN NMB48 Werewolf Game (Jinrou).mp4Size: 1.67 GB | Duration: 01:48:24 | Video: 1280×720, Bit rate: 2000 Kbps, 30.000 fps | Audio: 192 Kbps, 44 Khz
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